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Proactive Supply Chain Management

In India it is mandatory for companies to comply with an extensive series of Corporate Social Responsibility policies. For this reason, some of my consultancy work has focussed on companies in that region. There are a number of international ESG standards which companies around the world adhere to. The most common are the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ISO Standards (such as ISO 20400 relating to Sustainable Procurement ). However, the way companies relate to these standards varies on a variety of internal and external factors including size, location and sector. Often one of the most important factors in how they develop policies relates to whether or not it is mandatory or voluntary. Photo by Jacob Braun For example, I have noticed that, in general, when I work with larger companies in the US, Canada or the UK, they tend to prefer me to give them workshops (either face-to-face or online) and then produce policies collaboratively with in-house teams over a period of months....

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