Sustainable Values: Community and Social Impact

Today I am finishing up a series of posts briefly exploring the ideas, assumptions and philosophy behind some key Values that many sustainable businesses hold.

Many have a strong emphasis on sharing, social impact, generosity and reciprocity. I have grouped these ideas together under the term "Community".

How Sustainable Businesses Express Community

If you're interested in developing your business in this area, here are some of the the ways of thinking (potentially) that may be related to that impulse. Eseentially they relate to relationships and groups and what role you play (or want to) in those dynamics.

We understand that we are all inter-connected. We prefer collaborative approaches.

We also value our boundaries and differences so that we continue making our own decisions or maintain our unique independence. For this reason, we put our energy into becoming increasingly aware of our connections and our impact on others. We design our interactions with integrity so that we are not the only “winners”.

We find ways to consistently develop and expand positive networks and allies. We treat all we come across with as much respect and kindness as possible.

We believe in the wisdom of crowds while still knowing they are often susceptible to manipulation. We listen to others and we listen to ourselves.

We develop our resources for our benefit as well as in order to share them where and how we choose. We see that what we have and benefit from is due to both our own work as well as that of many other people, cultures and things so we thank them and acknowledge their role in our business and success.

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