Sustainable Values: Love and Integrity

Love might seem to be a strange value for a business to have but, in fact, this is a value that many companies share. Only they often refer to it with another word.

Many choose love as a core business value. However, most companies - especially in a corporate context - use another word to indicate what is often a similar or even the same value such as: empathy, passion, kindness, caring or respect.

Most want to connect this value to ideas about kindness, respect and empathy certainly, but also relate it to ideas about inclusivity and integrity as well as explaining why sustainability is both fundamentally important and even may signify an understanding of it as sacred as well.

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How Businesses Can Express Love

For many businesses that hold these types of values, their thinking (whether explicitly expressed or not) often is based upon some of the following assumptions:

We live with integrity and Values. We find ways to support and develop empathy for ourselves and others both in our personal and work lives.

We are present and attentive in our interactions. We also realise that we cannot be as present, attentive and giving as this world wants so are able to give a loving “no” when appropriate. We are as compassionate and understanding as possible of others’ lives and experience.

We do not let fear, greed, ignorance or aggression control us. We find ways to be respectful, kind, thoughtful and appreciative with others. We aim to do this even those who are not on “our side” and with all energies we encounter beyond the purely human.

We love across a spectrum of ways which brings us towards deeper meaning, wisdom and intimacy.

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