Sustainable Values: Power and Ethics
This post explores how and why some sustainable companies choose to have a value related to “power”.
The concept of power in sustainable businesses is often focused on in some of the following areas:
-Administrative Systems and Processes
-Human Rights
-Employee Rights
-Ethical Practice
-Supply Chain and Supplier Relationships
Others choose to focus on particular topics within the above areas such as:
-Shared Ownership
-Stakeholder and Employee Engagement
-Working conditions and hours
-Avoiding Discrimination
-Prevention of Harassment and Bullying
-Grievance Procedures
-Freedom of Association and Unions
-Fair wages
-Ensuring that no Forced Labour is used directly or indirectly (through the supply chain)
-Health and Safety
-Land Rights
This value of power affects and relates to how business carry out their business ethically and with integrity. Broadly, it can be conceived of as the foundation for increased equality and fair access to knowledge and resources.
We believe in our own power and our ability to positively impact the world around us.
We are confident in our abilities and encourage ourselves. We esteem who we are and what we contribute to this world. We do not give our power away.
We are innovative leaders who share and collaborate as well as developing our own resources and boundaries to support harmony. We focus on clarifying what we want and putting energy into our own meaningful priorities and Values instead of being lead by trends and what others are doing.
The concept of power in sustainable businesses is often focused on in some of the following areas:
-Administrative Systems and Processes
-Human Rights
-Employee Rights
-Ethical Practice
-Supply Chain and Supplier Relationships
Others choose to focus on particular topics within the above areas such as:
-Shared Ownership
-Stakeholder and Employee Engagement
-Working conditions and hours
-Avoiding Discrimination
-Prevention of Harassment and Bullying
-Grievance Procedures
-Freedom of Association and Unions
-Fair wages
-Ensuring that no Forced Labour is used directly or indirectly (through the supply chain)
-Health and Safety
-Land Rights
This value of power affects and relates to how business carry out their business ethically and with integrity. Broadly, it can be conceived of as the foundation for increased equality and fair access to knowledge and resources.
"landscapes with telephone poles 1" by NancyFry is licensed under CC BY 2.0
How Sustainable Companies Think About Power
Some, or many, of the following statements may be true of companies that have explored and are interested in power relations and fairness.We believe in our own power and our ability to positively impact the world around us.
We are confident in our abilities and encourage ourselves. We esteem who we are and what we contribute to this world. We do not give our power away.
We are innovative leaders who share and collaborate as well as developing our own resources and boundaries to support harmony. We focus on clarifying what we want and putting energy into our own meaningful priorities and Values instead of being lead by trends and what others are doing.